If you'd like to learn about making preserves, foraging wild food, growing a garden, making a beautiful home from recycled and natural materials, green woodcraft, installing alternative energy , water collection systems, permaculture, how to live with the seasons and much much more, then please get in touch to book onto one of our
two day Introduction to homesteading courses.
The first day of the course will be a general introduction to the skills required to set up a homestead, a walk and talk through our plot and it’s systems and then a wider tour of the 42 acres of community Permaculture project of which we are a part. On the second day we have a series of modules for you to choose from. They are listed below. The course costs £300 per person and includes all food.

Thank you for your interest in our homesteading course. The course is run from our family homestead here at our Community Permaculture Project in Devon.
We’re artists who have been on a long journey of self discovery towards community and living lightly on the land. Along the way we have developed the skills to lead a lower impact, more self sufficient and abundant existence. We are blessed to be surrounded by experts and qualified teachers in many fields of off grid, self reliant, land based living. If you’re thinking of setting off on the homesteading journey then this is a great place to start.
The first day of the course will be a general introduction to the skills to set up a homestead, a walk and talk through our plot and it’s systems as works in progress, and then a wider tour of the 42 acres of the community permaulture project of which we are a part...After many years of volunteering at eco projects, organic farms, off grid communities and holistic living around the world we’ll share the story of our own journey, ‘London to Landmatters’ and information to support your personal enquiry into homesteading.
On the second day we have a series of modules for you to choose from.
Here’s what we currently have on offer...Simply choose the two modules that most interest you and we’ll schedule the sessions to support you to gain the most out of your time with us here on the land.
– Glorious Food…
We look at the challenges, how to create basic beds – raised beds, no dig beds and ‘lazy’ beds. We’ll take a look at plant guilds, companion planting, and planting for biodiversity. Also covered will be polytunnels – siting them, and growing tips.
– Power Up for Wind Down…
The practicalities of using solar or wind to generate energy in our climate, an overview of how to set up these systems, store the energy, useful ways to deal with surplus, monitoring use and generation. We also look at a variety of wood stoves and heating systems.
– A magical resource we cannot live without...
this module looks at how to collect water from a roof or well, how to store it effectively, to move it to where it is needed, and how best to filter or treat it to render it safe for consumption. We’ll look at the issues surrounding cleaning water, and the various ways that you can set up an effective water system using low cost materials.
– Not Want Not !
This session looks at some common types of compost toilet, how to build them, their effectiveness, and what to do with the waste. We explore the complete waste cycle, through to using safely composted material on trees or crops. Dealing with grey water from sinks, baths and showers is also covered – how to create a basic grey water treatment system, and the maintenance and pitfalls involved. Finally we look at household composting systems, how to build them effectively, and to turn your food waste into valuable garden compost.
– Home is where the Hearth is...
Here we look at the possibilities for low cost off grid structures, from benders to cabins and barns using everything from pallets to commercially available materials, recycled and salvaged wood and windows, natural materials and finishes. We’ll look at simple barn structures, a straw bale house, cob and cordwood, how to build a bender, and round house construction. We have examples of all these structures on the land.
Permaculture and Homesteading
How to utilise permaculture principles and design to make the right decisions for your own Homestead plot.
Stock fencing
A hands on? module showing how and where to put up stock fences to keep animals in and deer out ( if you need to)
Herbs and Healing
– Plant Power
Learn about the wonder of planting, growing, harvesting and preparing herbs for your own medicine and wellbeing - physical, emotional and metaphysical...explore and experience beautiful herb spiral that has been established here by Mihaela Repina in the Labyrinth Healing Garden
Wild food foraging
– Wild You
A beautiful walk and talk through the meadows and woodlands, learn to spot the edible foods that grow naturally all around us. Learn to harvest fairly and safely, and hear about simple and beautiful ways to incorporate delicious and densely nutritious wild foods into your daily life.
How to make a Living from Life on the land
Making a living from living the land requires a different way of looking at earning a living. Seasonal in approach and having benefits other than purely financial ! Think connection to nature, abundance, self reliance and wellbeing. From traditional crafts to offering experiences in nature...this session offers an insight into the range of possibilities for turning your particular interest in living on the land into a possible income..with tips and tricks on how to keep the wolf from the door along the way.
– A foundation practice...
Yoga is a way of life and can support us in infinite ways...in our bodies and minds and in everything we do....This module is an introduction to how simple yogic principles and practices can be absorbed to guide and support us in all we encounter, be it physical, emotional, existential.
Meditation – Back to Earth
learn a simple, transformational meditation technique that you can use at any time to return to earth, replenish, recharge and reconnect to your own unique coordinates and journey.
So those are the modules... Simply choose the two that most interest you and we will call on the expertise around us to give you a great hands on experience with those that actually live it….
The two day course costs £300 per person for the two days ( minimum two people) and includes all food…Day 1 - Breakfast, lunch and dinner Day 2 -Breakfast and Lunch.
The choice of accommodation ranges from bringing your own tent which is
included in the price or hiring a yurt or shepherds hut ( if available ) from £80 per night.
There are also wonderful accomodation options locally at a range of different budgets.
Day 1…
Day ! – Intro to Homesteading with Simeon and Miranda.
Day 2 - 2 modules per participant, hosted by either ourselves or experts living the dream !
Love and light…
Simeon and Miranda